Community Logos > Passion's flame burns bright within our souls, A driving force that never grows old. Yet there are two types of fire we must see, One of spirit, one of sensuality. Spirit's passion ignites a longing to be free, A yearning for truth and divinity. It seeks to transcend the earthly bounds, And rise above the temporal sounds. Sensual passion, on the other hand, is rooted in the physical, in our demand, For pleasure, for comfort, for delight, For experiences that bring us to new heights. Both are natural, both are pure, But one is higher, of this we can be sure. For spirit's passion leads us to the source, While sensuality is but a fleeting force. Let us embrace our spirit's fire, And let it guide us ever higher. For in it's light, we will find our way, To a life of joy, of peace, of love each day. Logo
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Passion's flame burns bright within our souls, A driving force that never grows old. Yet there are two types of fire we must see, One of spirit, one of sensuality. Spirit's passion ignites a longing to be free, A yearning for truth and divinity. It seeks to transcend the earthly bounds, And rise above the temporal sounds. Sensual passion, on the other hand, is rooted in the physical, in our demand, For pleasure, for comfort, for delight, For experiences that bring us to new heights. Both are natural, both are pure, But one is higher, of this we can be sure. For spirit's passion leads us to the source, While sensuality is but a fleeting force. Let us embrace our spirit's fire, And let it guide us ever higher. For in it's light, we will find our way, To a life of joy, of peace, of love each day.

By user (Created: 10 Mar 2023)
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